Last night, Tao and I were on the air with J-Cherry's show, Voice of the City, on WESU-FM Middletown. I love this station and show. We've been on a few times and it's great to spend the hour with Jennifer and Tim. On this episode, we chat about art, open studio weekend, art+soul Hartford, Still Waters Pond, our work with J's Crab Shack and Bear's Smokehouse BBQ, and much much more. Listen HERE
hartford artist
Update from Amy
We've had a lot going on this summer. We did a bunch of work in the Hartford area, including hand-painted store signage for The Greenway Market, chalk art style illustrations and signage for The Place 2 Be, and now, we're starting on another HUGE outdoor mural for J's Crab Shack in Hartford. Good stuff. Stay tuned!
The Tap Room: making of a trompe l'oeil mural
Creating a mural that transforms architecture is a fabulous creative process. First, a concept needs to be born. For this mural at Still Hill Brewery, we were inspired by the logo created by Gary Holmes of Gariphic. Originally, the brewery owners contacted us to paint that mural on the wall. When Tao saw the future tap room space, he instantly imagined the logo in the form of a rusty old sign, inside of an old barn known as Still Hill. The story and visual unfolded in his mind and he created the visual to share with the brewery owners. They too fell in love with it, and hired us to create the mural. Along the way, Tao took many progressive images during the creation of this large-scale, indoor mural at Still Hill Brewery. He would stop painting, take a picture, paint some more, set up some automatic shots from his phone, and paint some more. We also used some other images available to us as content.
Our gratitude to Matt Seremet that constructed this video and animated various elements from the mural artwork. Let us know what you think. It's pretty wild!
Celebrating The Tap Room Mural
Tao explains his vision for the Still Hill Brewery Mural
Read MoreMiddletown Press Article
Here's an article on the large-scale mural at Still Hill Brewery, from the Middletown Press. CLICK HERE!